Well mom and dad left a few hours ago. We had a nice visit. They were here for my birthday. Took us to The Cracker Barrel for dinner last night. After that we went to Krispy Kreme so they could experience a hot one right "out of the oven". I quoted that because it's not really in an oven. Its in a big tray of hot oil, then to a belt where it runs under a big water fall of glaze. Then some guy grabs it and hands it to you. Of course I cant walk out of there without a dozen to take with me. Anyway, today they stuck around for a little because dad wanted to see some of the Green Bay game (if you can call it a game..more of a massacre really) before his 2 plus hour drive home.

Another two services under our belt at our new church. Not officially "our" church because we haven't placed membership yet, but we will soon enough. I feel so comfortable there for some reason. Its not like me to go into a big group of people like that and feel so comfortable. I'm sure it will pass quickly and I'll start feeling intimated like I always do. I'll start picking people out of the crowd that are smarter, richer, prettier, funnier etc and I'll feel uneasy in their precense. I need to quit doing that.


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