Well, I stayed home today like I said I would. I have to be very careful not to sit around watching TV or around 4:00 I'll get stir crazy and start getting really irritated. The weather didn't end up being quite as bad as forecasted but bad enough. There is ice everywhere but the roads never really iced up that bad. Every tree is sparkling white with ice and sagging way down. We opened up our back door today and it was really quiet except for the wind blowing and the weight of the ice making the trees creak. There are quite a few people around town who dont have power. In Edmond there are 809 electric "customers" without power, 95,160 in Oklahoma City and a total of 191,244 for the whole state of Oklahoma. Thats a lot of people without power. Ours has flickered a few times, and even went out for about 30 seconds last night, but thats it.
One of our friends was without a babysitter today because of the power problems so in addition to our three we are watching her 1 year old today. He's really a good baby though so it's no big deal. He's really cute.


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