ARRGGGHH I am about to pull my hair out. About a year ago I started doing some consulting for our local cable provider. In addition to payment I was given free cable modem service. That is how you are seeing this web page. I haven't done any work for about 6 months but no one had called to tell me they were no longer paying for my service. A bill collector came to my door today asking for $284. Luckily Deborah didn't pay him. She explained the situation to him and he said he would leave for a little and if he didn't get cancellation on his work order he would come back and disconnect my service. That would be like cutting off my right arm. Anyway, I called the people that I was doing the work for and they took care of it. They are really nice people. Sort of a funny story, the first time I went to a meeting discussing my consulting services and what I would do, the woman who is the manager of the data division came in and we both looked at each other and thought, "You look familiar". Turns out she was a lifeguard at the pool I swam at in the summers growing up. My sister worked the front desk at the pool and was friends with her. Now 20 years later (give or take a few) we meet again. But back to my problem, now they have to switch me from their business network to the residential network. I could have stayed on the business network but it was like twice as much a month. My main concern is my web site. On the residential service they really don't want people running web sites so they do things like switch your internet address every 24 hours, or block the inbound access to web pages etc. I could still run my web site off of one of their servers but I would lose all my interactive web pages, which is my whole site. My entire web site is made up of dynamic web pages that grab bits and pieces of information from all over my computer before they show up in your browser. It's modular. I use the same web page for all the "people" pages, I just suck in a different file for the middle where it talks about that particular person. I could redesign it all so that it wouldn't have to be setup that way, but should I really bother? When its all said and done I'm just going to end up owning a domain ( and have nothing to show for it. I really like messing with my web page. Its not pretty but there is a lot to read. And I really enjoy keeping this web log up to date. I like writing about what's going on in my life. I have a hard time saying what's on my mind but when I write it down I can sit and think about things and hash them out a little better. In fact I feel like I've been in better spirits over the last 3 weeks or so since I started doing this.


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