I'm really starting to question the accuracy of our local weathermen. Granted weather forecasting isn't an exact science, but when there is a small chance for rain, and it starts pouring, and the temperature in the middle of the afternoon is 20 degrees less then the forecasted high, I think the days forecast was WAY off. And it seems to be happening more and more. I think its Gods little joke. I think God probably has a great sense of humor. I think when the weathermen are just a little too close in guessing what he has planned he throws us all a curve. One of the local stations used to make some contribution to charity for every degree they were off from the forecasted high. They didn't do it for long. I think they were spending too much money. Anyway, as you can guess, it IS raining and it IS much cooler than forecasted. And of course I am at work without my jacket. If the temperature keeps falling I'm going to freeze me fanny off on the way home.

Tomorrow is casual day at work. Some folks around the office are curious why. Usually the only time we get a casual day (not including Friday which is always casual) is around a holiday or if the weather is bad. At the beginning of the week the forecast was for 40s and some rain..but that's hardly casual wear weather. Also one of the normal Thursday morning status meetings with the top dog has been cancelled. I think people are reading too much into it. I imagine the two are not related, and our employee relations group is probably just working on morale.


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