We visited Edmond Church of Christ this morning. It was really nice. There were tons of people that I went to college with there. Not anyone I really know, but its nice to see all the familiar faces. Class and the services were both really good. The church is big but somehow I didn't feel overwhelmed. I dont know if it is the way things are arranged or what but it felt really ... well ... cozy. Thats not a word I use often but it fits. After church we had to take Tanner over to a friends house from our other church. That was a little awkward as he was supposed to have just gone home with that family after church. Deborah had to tell them yesterday that "..well...we're visiting another church tomorrow." But they're very nice people. Its a small world in a way because the family who's house he went to used to go to church with one of my sisters in Texas, and they were all really good friends. Then the man took a job at Oklahoma Christian University and moved to Edmond and started going to my church.


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