All About Bentley

I finally got my old domain back, I let it expire a few years ago and when I went to renew it someone had bought it. They wanted $600 for it. I just waited it out. Morons.


Anonymous said…
I'll give you a dollar.

By the way, during the storms last week, they had us going down to the basement everytime the sirens went off. The first time we went there, we decided to check out some servers. Anyway, Erik joined us and during some small talk, I mentioned that he was a Ghost Hunter. So I asked Erik, "What possessed you to be a Ghost Hunter?" No response. I thought it was a PARAnormal question to ask.
Randy Hilburn said…
David this is about Scott getting his domain back, not Bustin' ghost jokes.
Scott said…
Yeah that joke was really bad. BOOOOO!!!
Scott said…
Sorry, my BOOOOO pun wasn't very was pretty transparent.
Scott said…
If you didn't get my ghost jokes, I'll go through them again.

I hope you got that one, and it wasn't just a boo boo.
Anonymous said…
Sheet! Is that the best you could do?

(That was a clean response. I didn't' use dirty sheet!)
Scott said…
Did you ever look at his site. I went through it once. Some interesting investigations:

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