Oh, that's what it was

I was driving home from work tonight, heading east on 178th street. It was around 5:20. As I was approaching Portland, I could see 2 news helicopter hovering over the road a mile or so ahead of me. Is it a fire? I don't see any smoke. Ok so it's probably a wreck. Close, it was this. And be sure and watch the video. Man if I'd just come home 5 minutes earlier I could have seen it in person.

Update: They changed their video. It was 100% just the raw video from the news helicopter of the last 5 minutes or so of the chase. Now's it just the news story version. Not nearly as cool.


Mark Grennan said…
You might see more of this. There has been a lot of banks robbed. Looks like it is the beginning of the end for the US. Keep your job is you can. Ask Saven if he is investing in gold yet.
Anonymous said…
Who is Saven?????

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