Flash Flood Fourth

I think this Fourth of July was probably one of THE most boring on record for the Bentley household. Deborah and I both have had a bad cold this week and really didn't feel like getting up and doing anything on the 4th. We were going to go to the parade, but it started at 8:45am, and I think we woke up feeling like death at about 8:50. So that was disappointment number 1. Disappointment number 2 was that for the first time in 4 years we didn't have our friends house to go to outside of the city limits, so that meant we didn't get to buy any fireworks. So instead we went to Target and bought a Slip-N-Slide and 3 water guns. Thinking back we probably should have gotten the kids something too. One of the guns was a Super Soaker Max Infusion Flash Flood (and it only cost $15. 'Sup with Amazon.com and $45 for a water gun. Geez). Anyway, we ended the day with some grilled hot dogs, and watching the fireworks show at UCO, but half-a** as our day was, we didn't feel like fighting the traffic on the way home. So, instead of driving close to UCO, we watched the fireworks show from the Full Cup parking lot, which was an OK view if you didn't mind 1/4 of the show being blocked by trees. I think I'll try getting a little closer next time.
So back to this Flash Flood water gun. I dont know how many different models of water guns there are in this great land of ours, but I would venture a guess that it's probably in the hundreds if not thousands. But there, last night, on HGTVs "Over Your Head", was the Super Soaker Max Infusion Flash Flood water gun. They were using it to wet some wall-paper so they could scrap it off. So not only did I buy myself a piece of entertainment, I also invested in a useful household remodeling tool. I wonder what else I can use the Slip-N-Slide for.


Josh said…
The slip-n-slide could be useful as a stud finder! Just put the end against the wall, send the kids down it, and Bam! you know exactly where to hang your pictures.

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