
Because of the 3 feet of rain we've had over the last few months, we've had a small infestation of frogs in our yard. Every time we're in the front or backyard, we can count on seeing at least one little frog hop bye. Zane loves them. I found him carrying one around in his shirt pocket the other night. He also likes to bury them in his sand box, but so far he's been pretty gentle overall and they have escaped any real torture. Unfortunately this evening, one wasn't so lucky. I was running the gas trimmer around the flower bed in my front yard, and all of a sudden this little frog went flying by. Yep, I wacked it. I didn't kill it, just chopped off 2 1/2 legs. And cut it up pretty good. I didn't know what to do, I was too grossed out at the prospect of putting it out of it's misery. So instead I just kicked it into the bushes. Farewell little buddy.


Josh said…
Well, I hope that you are staying afloat!

I'm sure that if you had given that little fellow a chance to get out of your way, he would have jumped at it.

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