
Showing posts from March, 2008

Buh Bye and a Wii

Well it's no secret anymore so I guess I'll post it here. After 10+ years working for the same place, I've decided to move on. I've been offered a job working elsewhere and I've accepted. It's strange timing and the logistics are odd, but I had to give a 1 month notice. I wont bother with the details right now though. So full-time job number 4 begins April 28th. In more exciting news, we got a Wii (finally). It's the coolest thing I've ever owned. I love it and might possibly be addicted. But my right arm and shoulder are very sore. If you know me, send me your console id so our Mii's can "Miingle". You have to be connected to the internet for this to work though. Oh and I bought the internet channel so I can surf the web through my Wii. Its awesome.