Summer Cold
That's what I have right now. In fact everyone in our house has it, though the kids aren't as bad as Deborah and I. And thankfully so since they start school tomorrow. I usually try fighting off a cold with about 2 gallons of orange juice. Since Saturday I've consumed 1, 1 gallon jug of Minute Maid pulp free orange juice, about half can of Minute Maid pulp free orange juice from concentrate, and 2 of the single serving bottles, however big those are, 12 ounces or whatever. And I don't feel any better. So now, I'm drinking this. Its horrible. I'm not a drinker. I never have been, and I never will be. But I'm willing to have a little Crown Royal if its going to get rid of my cold. So far I'm not feeling any better. Maybe I should make it a double. And then I think I'll operate some heavy machinery. PARTY!
(Wow 2 posts in one day. It must be the Crown talkin')
(Wow 2 posts in one day. It must be the Crown talkin')