Embarrassing Moment

I just remembered an embarrassing moment from many many years ago. I'm not sure what triggered the memory, maybe the rain.
I was 16 and had the pleasure of driving myself to church one Sunday evening in the summer...in my dads old station wagon. (No that's not the embarrassing moment, I drove it all the time. My friends dubbed it 'the party wagon') There were some visitors at church that night, one being a girl my age that I thought was pretty cute. After church me and my buddies stealthily followed them to see where they lived. We were lead to an apartment complex not too far from my parents house. We didn't stop but did come back later, performing the typical teen "drive-by-the-cute-persons-house". Cute girl was outside, with her sisters, and her friends. She recognized us, waved at us so we stopped to meet her. We had only been there a few minutes and it started to rain. My buddies and I piled back into the party wagon, drove out of the parking lot, turned right, spun out in the rain, and ended up in the apartment complex lawn. Not a good first impression. I never saw any of those girls again.


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