New Neighbor
Well I just talked to my new neighbor. I'd met him once before but just a quick hello. He's about to graduate from college and is apparently a trust fund baby or something, and he paid cash for his house. Anyway, this time we had a nice little chat. Oh and its 3:30am. And about 20 minutes ago I was asleep. He and about 20 of his friends are having a little get together. And they're being really loud, and drinking, and using language I don't care to use. So as the man of the house and the father of 3 I have to maintain the peace. I kept telling myself before I went over to keep my cool. I forgot when I got there. But as I started talking I calmed myself. We agreed that if he just turned down the music and kept his friends in the house it would be OK. Not sure about the friends but so far he's not keeping up his end of the bargain about the music. If I went back with my kids in their PJ's crying because they couldn't sleep maybe that would help. Sorry for the break, I just had to go outside and tell them to shut up. Actually it looks like the party is breaking up. But as everyone exits the house they feel the need to stop on the driveway and talk really loud. And they have one of those driveways that is L shaped so it comes up further than a normal driveway. So its right by my kids bedroom windows. I hate playing the part of the grouchy old neighbor next door. Nobody wants to be that guy. I really hope this isn't a common occurrence. Oh and to add insult to injury every one of his friends has a nicer car than me. Oh and now I'm in trouble with the wife for typing too loud. I hope today gets better.