Alpha and Omega

I just finished reading the Bible! The whole thing. One of my goals for 2007 was to follow a daily bible reading schedule. I've tried doing this for the last few years but got so far behind at times that I just couldn't make myself catch up. But this year I did it. I think the furthest behind I ever got was 5 days and that was just over this Christmas holiday. I started off with the NIV this year but Deborah reads the Message. About halfway through the year I started reading it too and have really grown to like it. I'm really proud of myself. For someone that calls himself a Christian I really dont know my bible very well so this was something I really felt I needed to do. And yesterday we bought a chronological bible and I plan on reading it in 2008.


Anonymous said…
Great! Isn't it odd that people can read a book like Harry Potter in a week but they can't get through the Bible in a year.

I did this twice when I was in high school. King James both times. I've tried it with other versions.

You have your plan for this year. Here is one for next year. Memorize one new testament book.
Scott said…
While sticking to my Bible-in-a-Year approach with my new bible, some year I would also like to try Wade Osburns suggestion, and one you allude to, and that is to read and study the same book each month during the year.
Anonymous said…
Well hey there SLB... how on earth are you? Have not heard from you in a while so thought I would dial up your page and say hello. I hope you see these comments... otherwise I'm not sure how to get in contact with you. Hmm, I supposed I could pick up the phone. Naaa... much too easy!

Just yesterday I started a program where I'm reading the new testament in '08. I'm not quite as advanced, so they limit me to just 1/2 of the bible per year!

Holla back.

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