23 days and counting...

...until we move!

Please pray for us during our move so that

1) it's not incredibly stressful
2) we've made the right decision
3) I haven't misculculated something and we're going to hurt ourselves financially

you know...all the stuff you normally worry about when you move.


vivian said…
You are going to be just fine.
Mark Grennan said…
I thought the place I help you move into last time was great! But I'm guessing you needed more room for the kids. The one thing I've learned over time is God has a way of working things out if you trust.

Remember my story about the old man and his son? You never know what is coming next.
Mark Grennan said…
PS. Need any help? Are you moving your self or are you have movers do it?
Scott said…
We're getting movers this time. I'm getting too old to move myself.

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