Merry Christmas!!
Showing posts from 2009
Happy Halloween!
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I usually post my yearly Jack-O-Lantern picks but this year we waited too long to get our pumpkins and some of the ones we got were not of the highest quality. I had to carve mine with my dremel tool because I couldn't get a knife to go through it. It ended up being very elementary. But it was still fun. And with that I will leave you with a link to the scariest picture I could find.
Moving and stuff
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Well we did it! We found a new house. When we jumped into the whole moving thing I was scared it wouldn't work out before school started in the fall of '09. After all, school, and the new boundary lines, were what prompted the move. Here it is April and we've found both a buyer for our current house, and an awesome new house. The Lord has answered many prayers! Y esterday morning we were about to head out to go look at potential new houses. Tanner was at a friends and I called to see if he wanted to go looking with us. He just wanted to stay at his friends so we just planned our day without him. About 20 minutes later the friends mom called to tell me the boys were messing around with some golf clubs and the friend had hit Tanner in the face with a club and put some cuts in his face that would probably need stitches. It didn't end up being as bad as I had feared but it did need some Dermabond. We finished up at the minor emergency clinic, which just so ...
My Latest Album
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1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random” or click The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band. 2 - Go to "Random quotations" or click The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album. 3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days” or click Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover. 4 - Use photoshop, paint or similar to put it all together.
French Letters Book One: Virginia's War
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My uncle has written a book, and it's pretty good. You should pick up your copy today . Virginias War is the poignant novel of a small Texas town where, during WWII in 1944, there was a bit of tarnish on the patriotic bunting and not everyone was eager to join up for the fight. It was there one morning that an unexpectedly pregnant Virginia Sullivan read in her father s newspaper that she supposedly had eloped with a soldier. One who had already gone off to the war, an awkward thing, since he didn't know anything about it. This first book of the French Letters trilogy is the tale of one woman s home front experience folded into the story of a town that is happy for its war bride because of her family s generous dabbling in the black market of war rations, until the Government pokes into their affairs.
The Streak Has Ended...At Two
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I just realized that with the change of presidents, my streak of seeing the current president in person has come to an end. It wasn't much of a streak, I saw George Bush Sr and Bill Clinton, but never W. Senior was campaigning and I saw him at OC . And once I was in DC and standing outside the back fence of the white house and saw Clinton jogging. But I never had the opportunity to see George Jr. So, the streak ends at two.
A history of horrible birthdays
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Over the course of the last few days, my birthday has reminded me of the difference between my life now and my life one year ago. It's not a monumental difference, but last year on my birthday I found out I was going to be outsourced. Not great news, especially on what is supposed to be a happy day. That triggered a memory of another bad birthday. I was around 12 or so, and I was sick on my birthday. My mom made me a chocolate cake, but after blowing out the candles I declined a piece because I didn't feel up to eating anything. That continued for a few days. Finally I was feeling better and was looking forward to eating some cake. What's that you's all gone? Ah man. OK two bad birthdays doesn't really qualify for "A history of horrible birthdays" but that title was catchy.
I tomatoed my router
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Do you have a high-speed internet of those wonderful devices that lets you access the internet at home from your laptop without being tied down to the desk? We do. It's a Linksys wrt54g. I got it for my birthday about 3 or 4 years ago, and have loved the thing. Ironically on my birthday this year it decided it didn't want to work anymore. You could see its configuration web page, it would give you an IP address...but it wouldn't hook you up to the internet. For some reason it wasn't getting an IP from the cable modem. I figured I could flash the firmware with the same or even a newer version and it would return to normal. Didn't work. Then I thought I would try an older version. Well that pretty much killed it. When you went to the configuration page, it was there, but it was all messed up. And that killed the link to the page that let you flash the firmware. But, being the super genius that I am, I looked through my internet history,found what the fla...