Moving and stuff

Well we did it! We found a new house. When we jumped into the whole moving thing I was scared it wouldn't work out before school started in the fall of '09. After all, school, and the new boundary lines, were what prompted the move.  Here it is April and we've found both a buyer for our current house, and an awesome new house. The Lord has answered many prayers! Yesterday morning we were about to head out to go look at potential new houses. Tanner was at a friends and I called to see if he wanted to go looking with us. He just wanted to stay at his friends so we just planned our day without him. About 20 minutes later the friends mom called to tell me the boys were messing around with some golf clubs and the friend had hit Tanner in the face with a club and put some cuts in his face that would probably need stitches. It didn't end up being as bad as I had feared but it did need some Dermabond. We finished up at the minor emergency clinic, which just so happened to be down the street from the house we were planning on looking at, and it was about 5 minutes until we had been scheduled to be there. So we made our appointment, and Tanner ended up seeing what would be his new home. The Lord works in mysterious ways.


Mark Grennan said…
Congrats. We would like to see pictures of Tanner.

Tell more about the school borders?

Where are you moving? How about more pictures of the new place. I remember helping you move into your current place.
Scott said…
I'm just moving to southeast Edmond. Right after Tanner started middle school they redrew the boundaries for his school. This year is the last year our neighborhood can go to that school. Shelbie starts middle school next year and we just weren't thrilled with the school she was supposed to go to. So we started looking for houses near Tanners middle school so that Shelbie would be able to follow in his footsteps and go where he went, which is a school we really like. And at the same time most of Tanners school friends would be headed off to one high school, and our neighborhood was supposed to go to another. So, that prompted the search for a home in north east Edmond. As time went on though we weighed in some other factors, the main one being wanting to be close to church, and we ended up in a different part of town. Tanner made the decision on his own that he wanted to go to Edmond Memorial where a lot of his friends from Church go. And the parent-choice elementary that Shelbie goes to primarily all go to a completely different middle school, which is the one Shelbie will no go to because of where we're moving.
That was all difficult to say without actually naming the schools we were trying to avoid. Hopefully it made some sense. Another huge bonus is that I take broadway to work and half my commute is getting over to it. My drive time will be almost cut in half.

And as far as moving, I think we're getting movers this time.
Anonymous said…
That is so awesome, the house not Tanner.....
Scott said…
Wow, almost one year since all this happened. Time goes by so fast.

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