No Regrets

I was thinking recently about the phrase "No Regrets". You'll hear people say it sometimes in movies on their deathbed, or you know, "If I died today, I'd have no regrets". You know what.....that's just a big old bunch of poo. To say that indicates that you'd never have made one mistake in your life. Sure some mistakes actually lead to better things....I know a few people that 'whoops', had an unexpected child because they were doing things without any precautions (or before they should have been). Sure, I would never call that a regret because you get a kid out of the deal. But I can't really imagine someone saying "Nope, I don't regret speeding one bit and getting a $200 ticket and my insurance rates going up" or "Hey remember that time I ate the bad burrito and was on the toilet all night. It was pretty nasty but I sure don't regret it one bit." I know really they're referring to something more deep. They're saying that everything they had done in life had lead them to be the person they were at that moment, and they were just fine with that. If you think about it though, isn't that a little selfish? That means they're fine with what they've done for themselves. But what about those around them? Have they done enough to help someone in need. Have they done enough to lead people to God. Have they done enough to make others lives better? I know if I were going to die today I'd have a lot of regrets. So I guess I have some work to do.


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