Argggh Amon

I went and bought a fountain drink on my lunch break. And I have a toothpick in my mouth right now. Those two things combined reminded me of what my best friend did to me once. I'm sure given the previous clues you can guess what it was. In fact I think somewhere on this website, or some previous incarnation of it, I mentioned it. My friend Amon and I were sitting in the food court in the Tulsa mall. We were about 14 or so. We had gotten something to eat, some kind of sandwhich, and it had little plastic sword toothpicks in it holding the paper around it. We sat down at the table and he took his and stabbed it into my styrofoam cup of coke. I had to leave it in there because now there was a toothpick sword shaped hole in my cup, and that was the only thing I had to plug it up. So I had to drink my coke with a sword sticking out of the side of it. That plus spilling something else on my shirt and leaving a nice big stain made it a trip to the mall I would just like to forget. But 20 something years later I'm unable to.


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