At Ease

There have been few times in my life where I have felt totally relexed, completely calm inside, no worries, totally at ease. Typically there is always something looming in the future; a book report or project when I was younger, and now that I'm older, just everyday responsibilities. But there was one day that I can remember being so at ease, so relaxed, that it was almost euphoric. I was probably around 10, I dont rememeber exactly...I was old enough to walk home from school by myself but young enough to still like Merry Melodies cartoons. It was the last day of school before Christmas break. I had walked home at the end of the day, turned on the TV to some cartoons, just layed down on the couch, and had the sense of 100% complete relaxation come over me. No school for a few weeks, too young to have much responsibility, Christmas would be in a few days, everything was right with my world. I could use a few more of those days every now and then.


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