South Beach Rules!

On February 9, 2004 I started the South Beach Diet. Just another fad diet I figured. I assumed I would get off it in a few days and stay fat forever. Well I didn't. I lost about 35 pounds. The first few weeks sucked but after that it wasn't so bad. But over Thanksgiving and Christmas I put on about 8 pounds. Started South Beach all over again, it's been only 10 days and that weight is off. Now it will be interesting to see if I keep falling fast past where I was before I gained again. I hope so because I hit a ceiling and would like to get past it. My birthday is Sunday though so it's going to be tricky...cake, eating out etc. No, I dont have to partake in a Birthday cake, and could eat sensibly when I ate out, but I dont want to, it's my birthday.


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