2 years already

It's my lunch hour and I'm bored so I was looking over old posts in my blog. I can't believe it's already been 2 years since we bought our current van. I wish it still looked that nice. It's usually always dirty and about a year ago someone put a big ding in the right front wheel well. And then this summer I opened the passenger door and slammed it into this wooden sign so now there's a big white smudge on it that I cant get out. We were hoping to keep this car for a very long time but at this rate it's going to be pretty ugly in no time.

I'm planning on putting up Christmas lights this weekend so be sure and look for pictures of the house. Or you could just go back and look at the posts for the last couple years because it looks exactly the same every year. OK that's not really a picture of my house. If only I was that lucky.


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