They Found Him

We had an interesting night last night. About 6:45 I got a call from a parent of a student my son goes to middle school with. Apparently another student, one that rides my sons bus never made it home yesterday afternoon. They were calling us to see if my son remembered seeing this boy on the bus, and he did. They called back about 5 minutes later to ask some more questions. Then at 8:15 two police officers came to our door and talked to my son for a few minutes just seeing what he remembered on the bus, who the kid might have been sitting with, that type of thing. My son doesn't really even know this kid, just rides the bus with him. They told us that the kid answered his cell phone when the parents were looking for him, but wouldn't say where he was and hung up, then wouldn't answer any more. That put us at ease a little bit because it sounded like the kid just took off, rather than being abducted. But after they left, then a police helicopter flew over our neighborhood with its search light on for about 45 minutes. Anyway I just heard that they found the kid at some McDonalds this morning. I have no other details but I'm glad they have him back.


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