100 Things About Scott

1. I grew up in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
2. I have 3 older sisters
3. I have no brothers
4. I played the trumpet from the 5-12 grade
5. I played football in the 9th grade, and I was very bad
6. I played baseball from 3-6 grade, and I was so-so
7. I played soccer from 6-8 grade, and I was very good
8. When I started college in 1987 I weighed 135 pounds
9. When I started the south beach diet in 2004 I weight 226 pounds
10. I lost 35 pounds
11. 4 years later I'm still maintaining, but I need to lose about 15 - 20 more
12. I love junk food (see number 9)
13. I love Mexican food
14. I have never been out of the country
15. I need to get out more
16. I am not very organized except for my dress shirts
17. I keep my dress shirts organized by sleeve length and pattern; solid long sleeve together, solid long sleeve plaid together, short sleeve stripe together, etc
18. I love OU Sooners football
19. On February 19, 2007 I bought my first HDTV
20. On February 18, 2008 I officially hooked up HD to my HDTV
21. I have 3 kids
22. I have 1 beagle named "Sadie"
23. When I was growing up I had a dog named Honey
24. My first car was a 1979 Ford Mustang
25. My second car was a 1990 Pontiac LeMans (one of the ugliest cars ever made but I was in college, had a job, had no time to go car shopping, and my dad brought it to me, so I couldn't complain)
26. And at 39 years of age I'm still driving my 3rd car, a 1994 Isuzu Rodeo
27. I drive cars until they die
28. I hate shopping for new cars
29. I hate having a car payment
30. I hate having credit card debt too
31. I'm not very good with my money; I need to be more accountable for it.
32. I love music, I listen to it constantly.
33. I've passed my love for music on to my oldest son
34. I'm writing this list at 1:30 am while running a test for work
35. I'm a Christian.
36. I married a Christian woman
37. I went to a Christian college
38. Last year I read the entire bible
39. My attempt at reading it all again this year is not going so well
40. As I get older my spelling is getting worse. Isn't that backwards?
41. I have a weak stomach, things like medical procedures on TV gross me out
42. I am very hard to get to know
43. Once you know me though you'll love me
44. I'm a funny person
45. But I'm humble so I feel bad about typing number 44...and this one too.
46. I am very shy
47. While I would love to be creative, alas I am not
48. I love art
49. My favorite picture in the world is A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte-1884, by Georges-Pierre Seurat. It hangs in the Art Institute of Chicago (and a print hangs on my bedroom wall) and someday I hope to see it. (See number 15)
50. My favorite class in college was Art Appreciation, even though my teacher was an idiot
51. I collect beer steins. I have about 50
52. I don't drink
53. I love my mother-in-law, we get along very well
54. I like to read but don't read much
55. My favorite season is fall (FootbALL season!!!)
56. Currently my favorite show is "John and Kate Plus 8" but the writers strike just ended so that will change soon
57. I'm addicted to chewing gum
58. I usually only buy a new pair of athletic shoes once every 2 or 3 years because I don't wear them out very fast (That might also help explain number 9)
59. I would like to learn to work with wood
60. I like watching home improvement shows
61. I say I'm not very handy around the house but I don't think I've ever failed at anything I've ever attempted to fix. But that might be because I haven't tried anything too tricky
62. I know when to use the word "too" and I'm proud of it
63. I went skeet shooting once and loved it. But my shoulder was black and blue for a week
64. I went to New York for work one time and took a subway that came up under where the world trade center was. It really kind of freaked me out
65. I have a very good sense of direction
66. Unless I've traveled somewhere by plane. When I get off a plane I'm almost always turned around and never get my directions straight
67. I've never been the cause of a car wreck ( although now that I've written it I'm sure it will happen soon)
68. I have a problem with holding a grudge
69. My skin will not tan. It might turn red and then a little darker, but then back to cracker white
70. I made a fountain pen once with a kit, a piece of wood, and a pen lathe. It was fun, I'd like to do that again
71. My son was in the boy scouts one year and we had one of the slowest cars in the pine wood derby. I made it. I was very embarrassed.
72. When I was young I was in the Y-Indian Guides
73. Every relative I have outside of my immediate family lives in Texas
74. I took my family to San Antonio this summer. It was our first family vacation. (Again, see number 15)
75. When I was about 10 my friend Alan Hughes and I were going to dig a hole in my backyard as deep as we could. I think we made it about 1 foot.
76. I get frustrated easy
77. I have a bad temper but I've gotten much better in the last few years
78. I got in trouble when I was 15 and was grounded from getting my drivers license for 2 months after my 16th birthday
79. I sacked groceries at Skaggs Alpha Beta when I was in high school.
80. One summer during college I applied for a job at the "Kiddy Park", but didn't accept the job. But they always called to tell me not to show up for work on rainy days. "Um yeah, I don't work there, but thanks"
81. I have only recently discovered that I love Blackberry Cobbler
82. I love the burgers at Earls Rib Palace.
83. I get the "Daily Oklahoman" but I throw it right in the recycle bin every day but Sunday
84. While not a hunter or a fisherman, I love going to Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World. I've never bought anything in there.
85. The Friday before Christmas 2007, I was late getting ready to go run some errands. While running into my bedroom I kicked the bedside table and broke my toe. It's still a little swollen and red. I buddy taped it for 5 weeks. Maybe I should go to the doctor. I'm getting off track here.
86. My best friend from elementary school is currently in jail. And it's not his first time.
87. I rode in a helicopter once. They were giving rides at an air show.
88. I have a nice set of custom built golf clubs that I think I've used twice. I've had them for 6 or 7 years
89. I get claustrophobic.
90. I'm tired of TVs portrayal of the "dumb guy" vs. the "smart woman", like on the Sonic commercials. Although I do think those are funny. But its giving today's man a bad image. And by the way its not the smart woman that bothers me, its just the dumb guy half of it I don't care for
91. I love juice. In fact I'm going to stop and have a glass of grape juice.
92. My favorite cold cereal is Cocoa Pebbles. I like to eat small bowls of it so it stays crunchy
93. I wrote a computer program at work once that talks to AOL instant messenger. You can chat with it and send it commands and fix things at work. Although it was never breached it was considered a security risk and I had to shut it down. And since it was not commissioned, and they refuse to use it, I'm going to throw intellectual property out the window and offer it to anyone that is interested, for a price. And I just finished my grape juice.
94. I've been on the internet and making web pages since 1995
95. I've had a Blogger account since 2002.
96. Growing up my mom managed the supply room at church. She would work in there instead of going to bible class. A couple of times instead of taking me to class and her going to the supply room, we went across the street for donuts. Don't tell dad.
97. My home town flooded in 1987. My side of town was ok, but not the west side. I got out of school for 1 week.
98. My first cousin is a famous professional wrestler, Paul London
99. I am 1/16th Indian.
100. I have seen both George Bush sr, and Bill Clinton. Clinton was jogging..I think it might have been the only time he ever did that so it makes it extra special.


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