Spam Spam Spam

Last year (2005) I conducted a little experiment with my email. I let every bit of junk email or "spam" go into a spam folder so I could see how much junk email I got in one year. The number at the end of the year was over 10,000 messages. I was now curious to see how 2006 would turn out, with the amount of spam growing all the time. Well we are now in November and I'd noticed lately how little spam I've received. The number is hovering around 2700. Where did all the spam go? I find it hard to believe that the amount of spam in the world is decreasing, so I started to do a little investigating. Didn't take long to find that my ISP has taken the attack on spam to a new level. While my spam settings are set to mark spam as such, and go ahead and deliver it to me, they have taken it upon themselves to throw it into a spam folder on their server, one that is accessed through their "Web Mail" interface. And it gets deleted after 2 weeks. I had 19 pages of spam just for the current 2 week period. Thanks and all, but you just screwed up my 2006 experiment. (You can't see me but I'm shaking my fist at them in anger)


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