I got nailed...almost

This morning my youngest son had a soccer game so the whole family loaded up in the van and headed out. About half way there, while in the left lane, with a car next to me in the right, I see something on the ground right in front of us. I realize what it is immediately but it's too late to hit the brakes and its not possible to swerve into the other lane. I would have been going too fast to get in the other lane in time anyway. And the "it" in question, was a big bucket of roofing nails that had fallen out of someone's trucks, and spilled all over the left lane. It was obvious what had happened because the bucket was lying in the left turn lane. Someone made a left turn, and their bucket of nails didn't. Anyway, I immediately feel nauseous as I drive over them, and am haunted by the words I recall saying to a group of co-workers a few days ago, "I've never had a flat before". All of a sudden I see how my day is going to shape up. I'm going to have to drop the family off at the game, find the nearest tire center, find a way to get my family home. And that's the good scenario. The bad one being we don't even make it to the game, I get 4 flat tires and I have to have a flat bed truck carry my car somewhere for me. And I've been looking forward to this day all week. Its the day of the OU-Texas game. This will be OU's biggest game of the year. And there's a good possibility now that I will miss if for having to babysit the van all day. Well I said a little prayer, headed on to the soccer field, and by some miracle there was not one nail in any of my four tires. Not even anything stuck between any of the treads. How I escaped that I have no idea.


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