Celebrity Look Alike

I came across this blog entry just now. How cool, it will perform face recognition and tell you what celebrities you resemble. So I tried it. I decided not to post my full results as they did in their post, but I will mention 2 of my celebrity look-alikes. One, Mark Hamill. Cool, Luke Skywalker. Ok, well known, not super handsome or anything but I wasn't trying to kid myself. Celebrity number 2 that I'll mention, and this was quite insulting; former First Lady Barbara Bush. I don't know who should be more insulted, her or me. Anyway, check their website out for yourself at http://www.myheritage.com

(Update 5 minutes later)
Ok to add insult to injury this stupid application is quite accurate. I uploaded a picture of Brad Pitt and it matched him to himself with 97% accuracy. It also matched him to Topher Grace, Goran Visnjic, Nicolas Cage, David Boreanaz and Matt LeBlanc among others, and my point being here is that if you are a handsome man, you are likely to resemble other handsome men. So apparently I really do look like a crusty old lady. But to redeem myself some I uploaded a second picture of myself and this time the results were all men, a couple I'd heard of, but nobody too famous...or handsome.


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