Traumatic Moment Number 5

I may have posted this before, but its worthy of a second posting. About 8 years ago I worked at a college in the computer center. In addition to being in charge of all the computers and the campus computer network, we also managed the phone connectivity. In the back room of a our building was a huge wall where all of the phone connections came in. It was a wall of tons and tons of individual wires. I was at work one night after everyone else had gone home. I was poking around in the area where all the phone wires were and noticed the phone tester thingy hanging on the wall. It has two little clamps that you clamp on to a pair of phone wires, and you can talk on that phone line. I've seen some of the guys use this thing before. I think I'll try it out. I picked a random pair of wires, put the phone up to my ear and playing around say "hello?". From the phone I hear "Is this Scott?".

ME: (Terrified and very confused) "Yes!?"
CALLER: "Is (some name) there?"
ME: (Not as terrified but more confused) "No"
CALLER: "Are you just hanging out in the room by yourself"
ME: (Starting to realize whats happened) "Uh..yeah"
CALLER: (Now seeing that (some name's) roommate isn't interested in chatting) "ok. Talk to you later."

Apparently I had hooked into the phone line of one of the mens dorm rooms and from what I could tell one of the people in that room was named Scott. And Scotts roommates mom was just calling to chat. But what a huge freakin' cooincedence.


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