Traumatic Moments

I'm always telling my wife amount traumatic moments I had as a child. Not life-threatening moments, or memorys of a loved one dying, but odd events that as a shy child bothered me more than they should have. Moment number 1: I was walking through the local Safeway with my mom. I was probably between 5-8 years old. We were going down the COLA:SODA:POP:COKE (depending on where you live. I'll call it POP) aisle. There was a large bottle of POP sitting in the middle of the aisle. This was back before the days of plastic 2-liter bottles. I tried to step over it, incidentally kicked it, broke it, and sent glass and POP flying down the aisle. I stood there with sticky wet jeans while my mom found a store employee. I thought they were going to kick me out of the store or make me pay for the bottle of POP. I was very scared It was very traumatic.

Stay tuned for my second installment, coming soon.


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