Traumatic Moment Number 2

Today's traumatic moment occurred when I was probably no older than 5 or 6. This too took place at the local Safeway...I think. As I've gotten older my memory has gotten a little cloudy so some of the details are guesses at best, but they make no difference. I waited in the car with my 3 older sisters while my mom ran in the store to grab something. She left the car running, the 4 of us began goofing around a little too much...and somehow the parking brake came off, or we knocked the car into neutral or something, and the 4 of us starting rolling across the parking lot. A nearby shopper saw our dilemma and ran over, hoped in the car, and stopped us.

I guess this traumatic moment could be viewed as truly traumatic. But most are not like this. As I post more you will see what I mean.


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