
I accomplished something pretty big this weekend. I was able to mark something off my list of "things to do before I die". I finally experienced the joy of a fried Twinkie. And ironically it will probably be one of the contributing factors to my death. It's a double-edged sword I guess. We went to the Oklahoma State Fair this weekend. I was quickly reminded why I hadn't been in 9 years. I suppose if the temperature hadn't been in the 90s, and I didn't have a very active 5 year old with me, and we'd been smart enough to bring a backpack to put all our free crap in, it probably would have been a better experience. But it killed a few hours and we ate some tasty stuff. We skipped all of the rides except for the big slide. That's a must for every fair visitor with little kids. The car show is always fun and it was really cool to see the Jeep Hurricane up close and personal. Shelbie and Zane got their picture taken with some Sea Lions. We went to Sea World this summer and didn't even get to do that, so that was an unexpected bonus. I guess really overall I'd say it was a good time. But, for all of you idiots that didn't think before just parking any 'ole place in the free parking area, I'm currently sending you some bad mojo. Here goes.....ok done. I'm sorry, but you had it coming. I saw quite a few cars that were pretty much SOL on getting out of the parking lot when they were ready because of how others had boxed them in.


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