It's Magic

I have this oddity at my house, something I haven't wanted to mention for fear of being an outcast. We have a magic box at our house. Seriously. I know right now you're thinking, "What is this freak talking about?". Well I guess if you're still reading, then you must be read on.

There is a red box that lives in my closet. It's an old box, I've had it for about 20 years. It's not really a box...more of a basket. It's plastic and has an open top. I'm not sure where it came from, I think China. It sits on the floor at the back of my closet. Every morning I throw dirty clothes in it. Every night they're clean and put away. It's the most amazing thing. I love my magic box.


Anonymous said…
You should name your box... Deborah sounds perfect!
Scott said…
Hmmmm, interesting. I'll consider it.

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