Go Amazon!

I ordered something off of Amazon.com the other day, and according to UPS, it was delivered today. But there was nothing on my porch. I'm guessing it got dropped off at one of my neighbors houses by mistake. Which is not uncommon, seems to happen about every other time they deliver a package to us. But I'm tired of it and I didn't want to go track it down. So instead I called UPS customer service. They told me that I could call the shipper, which would be Amazon, and Amazon could call UPS back and request a "tracer". Wow a "tracer", that sounds pretty serious. But instead Amazon just said, "How about we just ship another one at no charge to you?". Oh...ok. More than likely one of my neighbors will show up with the other one tomorrow, and I was really only hoping to rip UPS a new one, but hey, go ahead and send me another one. Too bad it was only a $20 item. I wonder what they would have said if it was a digital camera or something. Hmmm...


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