Redbox Rocks!

Hey have you seen those RedBox DVD Rental kiosks at McDonalds? Those things are awesome. They have a decent collection of new releases, and they're only $1 a night. I'm on bachelor week this week (as one might have guessed by the sudden increase in posts) and as always I'm catching up on guy movies. I've already made 2 trips to my nearest RedBox. If you create an account online you get 1 night free, and I don't need any movie for more than a night. So far I've rented 3 movies for a grand total of $2.16 when tax is included. The kiosk asks you for your email address, so we'll see how soon I start getting bombarded with spam, but, its kinda cool because before I even get back to the house, there's an email receipt waiting for me.
Rocky Balboa - ***
Flags of our fathers - ****
Illusionist - ***
Oh, And if you own your own Domain... you can register as,, Lots of free nights.