Getting Around
We went to see the Arcadia Round Barn yesterday. I guess there are quite a few round barns in the United States, but this was a first for me. I expected it to be out in a pasture, with a little farm house nearby. It's actually right next to Route 66, and there are a bunch of crappy old houses surrounding it. It was a little disappointing. But, if you live close, and you have absolutely nothing else to do, then go see it. Down the road a little bit is where construction is underway for Pops. It's supposed to be a futuristic soda fountain/rest stop/gas station. The big thing about Pops is this big crazy 80 foot soda pop bottle that sits out in front. I had read about it in a local magazine about 6 months ago, but never given it anouther thought, so it was pretty cool to all of a sudden see this big bottle looming in the distance.
