Ubuntu? Sure, why not

I recently got a new laptop at work and am supposed to be returning the old one some time. But before I did I thought I'd play with Ubuntu. Last night i took the Ubuntu installation CD that I created about 3 weeks ago, threw it in the old laptop, started it up, and bam, it's done. Now I'm sitting on my couch, connected wirelessly to the internet, and I did virtually no configuration. The only thing I had to do was go to the network settings, select that I had a wireless network, and put its name in. Bam, I'm online. It was awesome. I use RedHat Linux at work for about 99% of what I do, but it's all at the server level, not from a true end-user standpoint, so I'm not real familiar with the user side of things....surfing the web, checking email, word processing, that sort of thing. I'm anxious to see what all I can do with this. Another thing I found interesting was that for about the last year, my laptop, running XP, would not keep the system date and time correctly. I assumed it was the battery. But when I installed Ubuntu and the GUI came up, the system clock was correct, and has been now for about 13 hours. So now I'm starting to think it wasn't the laptop at all, but Windows XP acting strange...who woulda guessed it. Hey wake up I'm talking to you. Fine be that way. Go on, go find some blog about Paris or Britney if thats the way you're going to be.


Mark Grennan said…
Wow - Yup who would have guessed. When you only see the world through windows colored glasses... There are lots of other ways to do things. Why do people with different ideas or ways of doing things always get shunned.
And you need to watch that attatude.

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