Christmas Spoiler

Well kids, I have a very special Christmas gift for you this year. I'm going to take my many years of experience in peaking at my Christmas presents, and share it with you.

Today's lesson is how to unwrap and re-wrap a present without getting caught.

Before we start lets go over some good tips:

It's best to do this kind of work at night, when everyone is asleep.
It's also a good rule to only do one or two presents a night.

You will also need to have some supplies:
1. A knife or pair of scissors that can make a fine cut. And since kids aren't supposed to handle knives, I take no responsibility for the outcome of any actions that were a result of reading this document.
2. You need some scotch tape. Preferably tape matching whats on your present

Ok now on to the sneakiness:

  1. Pick out the present(s) you want to snoop and move them near the front of the tree before you go to bed.
  2. After everyone is asleep, get up and take the present to another room, like the bathroom, where you can lock the door.
  3. Take the knife and cut the tape right along a seam in the wrapping paper. Do this in enough places so that you can get to the box under the paper. The seam area in the paper is where there will be shading when the present is under the tree and will be hard to notice any imperfections after you are finished.
  4. Remove your gift and do what you please with it
  5. Return the gift to its box. Put the paper back around the box as it was before. When you are ready to re-tape take care to use pieces of tape that are as close to the length of the piece you cut. Place the tape directly on top of the cut piece of tape, resealing the package.

Tada! You have just spoiled your Christmas!


Anonymous said…
Pretty good (y)

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