Haunted House

I've lived in my current home for 3 and half years now, and have come to the conclusion that it might be haunted. Not bloody corpses or white ghosts floating around, just odd occurances.

The first occurance was one night a year or so ago. One of out kids woke up in the middle of the night crying and my wife got up to check. As she was walking towards their room she saw me following her down the hall to go with her to check on our child. But I didn't follow her all the way there. In fact when she went back to bed, I was still there. I had never moved. I dont know who or what was following her.

Occurance 2 came recently. My kids were out of town for the week, staying at their grandparents. My son has a lamp in his room that has a glass tube and when turned on a blue electrical current dances around in the tube. The lamp was on. The lamp is never on. I didn't turn it on. My wife didn't turn it on. My 4 year old wouldn't have a clue how to turn it on.

Occurance 3 was Friday night. I was up pretty late. There was a storm heading our way and I had been watching the radar on the local news station. I knew the rain would be coming any minute. There it was, I could hear it hitting the roof. It was getting louder and louder. I could tell it was coming down pretty hard. I stood up to go look out the window at the rain. It wasn't raining.

Occurance 4 was also Friday night. I was sitting in the office writing this blog entry. I was half way through occurance 2 when the power went out. Ok that was because of the storm, but it still freaked me out, considering the topic.


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