
Showing posts from June, 2006

Nice Job Mavs

Win 2, then drop 4 in a row. Good work fellas.

Haunted House

I've lived in my current home for 3 and half years now, and have come to the conclusion that it might be haunted. Not bloody corpses or white ghosts floating around, just odd occurances. The first occurance was one night a year or so ago. One of out kids woke up in the middle of the night crying and my wife got up to check. As she was walking towards their room she saw me following her down the hall to go with her to check on our child. But I didn't follow her all the way there. In fact when she went back to bed, I was still there. I had never moved. I dont know who or what was following her. Occurance 2 came recently. My kids were out of town for the week, staying at their grandparents. My son has a lamp in his room that has a glass tube and when turned on a blue electrical current dances around in the tube. The lamp was on. The lamp is never on. I didn't turn it on. My wife didn't turn it on. My 4 year old wouldn't have a clue how to turn it on. Occurance 3 was Fr...

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Private Meeting

I really dont know whats up with some people, they have no shame. If you're at work, and you're heading down the hall, and you have a magazine under your arm, it's no secret what you're heading to do. You might has well be walking down the hall with a marching band behind you yelling at the top of your lungs, "I have to POOP!". Please spare us the horrible thought and be a little more discreet next time.

The Evolution of Dance

June 6, 2003

I was looking at the WayBack Machine this morning at some of my old websites. Here was a blog entry of mine from 3 years ago today: Friday Well it's Friday and in a few hours my short work week will be over. Most of yesterday I kept thinking it was Monday seeing as how I didn't work Tuesday and Wednesday. Now the weekend awaits with open arms, where it will promptly grab me and kick me in the nuts.

You mean there's more than one?

Maybe I didn't really need to know how to pronounce his name correctly: (Hint: See "Pronounced")

Gods Plan


Rejected Hallmark Cards

"Looking back over the years that we've been together, I can't help but wonder:... -- What was I thinking?" "Congratulations on your wedding day!... -- Too bad no one likes your wife." "How could two people as beautiful as you.... -- have such an ugly baby?" "I've always wanted to have someone to hold, someone to love... -- After having met you, I've changed my mind." "I must admit, you brought Religion in my life... -- I never believed in Hell until I met you." "As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am... -- that you're not here to ruin it for me." "As you grow older, Mum, I think of all the gifts you've given me... -- Like the need for therapy." "Thanks for being a part of my life!!!... -- I never knew what evil was before this!" "Before you go,... I would like you to take this knife out of my back. -- You'll probably need it again." "Someday I hope to get ma...