Flying Kittens

Someone please put me out of my misery! I'm attending a class this week in Dallas for some computer software I already know how to use. Except this is the new and improved version. Problem is they teach the class as if you've never used the software before, and rightfully so because many of the people in the class have never used it. But those of us who have, we're bored out of our minds. We're turning to vegetables. We might need to hire a nurse to walk around and wipe the drool from our mouths. According to the schedule though, we might get into some new and/or improved features tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. But I might take my pillow with me, just in case.

On a related note, I scored 1855 on Kitten Cannon. Did I say related? I mean non-related....I was playing on my own time of course...really I was.


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