Time to Rest

Well LTC is over again. We were in Tulsa for a little over 24 hours, but it felt much longer. We left the house at about 12:30 on Friday to do some work at church. Then we joined the caravan to Tulsa at 2. Got there about 3:30, and from then until we left Saturday evening it was just a whole bunch of hurry-up-and-wait. There were constant trips between the Tulsa Convention Center and the Doubletree across the street, where our church reserved a suite. It was our gathering place for meals and information. But there are only about 4 places to sit. Other than sleeping in my hotel room at the Courtyard, I was standing for the majority of the trip. It's exhausting. The kids looked most forward to swimming in the hotel pool. We got back to the hotel Friday night and got down to the pool at around 10:35. The pool closes at 11:00. The kids went in knowing they were only going to get about 20 minutes of swimming. Oh but wait. What's that? Some kid cut his foot on something in the pool? So everyone has to get out NOW? Super. So instead of 20 minutes, they got about 5. Except poor Tanner who came down a few minutes later with his buddy. He was sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet in when we were told to get out.

Our last event was at 4:30 so we're done with everything by about 4:45. My parents have come down from Bartlesville to see some of the events. They wanted to take us out to eat. I was tired and ready to get home but the free meal was very much appreciated. We went to Panera. I love that place. I don't know why I don't eat there more often. Anyway we finally got on the road at about 6, and home by about 7:30. Finally it's time to rest. Except my mind didn't want to, it was still in overdrive for some reason. I had a hard time getting to sleep Saturday night. So then we hit the ground running Sunday morning. Easter. Got to get the kids dressed and get pictures and all that. Then off to church. Deborah is coordinating children's bible hour this month and so we have some responsibility there. Well, not we, her. But I help where I can. So that stresses her a little, which stresses me a little. Anyway, church is over so we head to lunch...at CiCis. I actually like CiCi's. Its instant gratification and its kid friendly. But not on Easter. Oh well it was Tanners turn to pick and that's where he wanted to go. I apparently am not the only one with the feelings of CiCis on Easter. The place was dead. Which was nice for us. Ok so we get home at 1. The church Easter egg hunts starts at 2:15. So we have just enough time to change. Why didn't we just take a change of clothes up to the church building? Because we're stupid that's why. So we're out of there and back home by about 3. Yes. That gives us a good 2 hours of nap time before we have to get ready for Sunday evening services. Oh wait. What's that honey? You say you think Tanner has to be there early because his LTC large chorus is performing after church and they want to get everything coordinated. How early? 5:30 you think...Ok so that just cuts our nap down a little bit. No big deal? HUH? WHAT? You just checked our information sheet and he's supposed to be there at 5??? And its 4:55 now? Its amazing how quickly you can get dressed and across down when you have to. Got him there at 5:07, in his seat. So after church, as mentioned, all the groups that performed at LTC in a choir are performing after services. Then our church is holding its LTC banquet so we can see how everyone scored in their events, and see a slide show of pictures that were made over the weekend. I think they tried to get a picture of every kid that participated. And bonus, there was also a picture of my 2 little kids. They served fried chicken or chicken fried steak. I chose the latter. Bad choice. Got sick. Anyway, that ended at 8:30. Home by about 8:50. In bed by about 9:30. Up about 3:30 sick. Good times.

Anyway, I called in sick today and stayed in bed all day, which I think was best. Had I not been sick I would have been worthless at work. Its 6:45 Monday evening and I still feel wiped out. I don't know why it wiped me out so much, I think when I'm just on-the-go constantly and having to follow a schedule like that, it must really stress me. I just don't realize at the time.


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