And that's why you live outside!

When my wife and I were first married, and had all the answers, we always said that if we had a dog it would live in the house. I mean why have it if you're not going to love it, play with it, and give it unlimited attention. Well when we moved into our new house 3 years ago the decision was made for our beagle to start a new life of outdoor living. Periodically my wife and kids ask if the dog can start living in the house again, but I always resist. And here's why. Its currently 18 degrees outside. The dog spent the night in the garage. I've just let her out to go pee in the backyard. As I'm letting her back in and she's making the short trip from the back door to the garage door I think, "I'll throw her a bone and let her wander around inside for a minute while I clean out her water dish and fill up her food bowl". That thought vanished very quickly while in stride, she threw up on the kitchen floor. Stupid dog.


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