My Dumbest Argument

For some reason today I remembered an argument I had with someone many years ago. Lets just say that time is currently 3:45. They said something about it being 4:00. "No, its 3:45" was my reply. They came back with, "Well, its 4:00 somewhere".

ME: "No its not"
THEM: "Yes it is, somewhere its 4:00"
ME: "No, it might be 4:45 somewhere, but it's not 4:00"
THEM: "Yes it is. It is 4:00 somewhere"
ME: "What are you talking about? If its 3:45 now then its "something 45" everywhere...the minutes are the same, its only the hours that change as you move across time zones"
THEM: "It's 4:00 somewhere"

Ok, fine whatever. You want to be right so bad that you are totally abandoning all common sense.


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