
I have used that title for a previous post, but that was pre-blogger I think. Anyway, for 1 week I am a bachelor. My wife and kids are at the in-laws for the week. During this time I will try to get some work done around the house. Things I cant do with a 3 year old following me around. Since the house has had 2 years to settle some of the crown molding has separated and needs to be caulked and the paint touched up. There are about 10 nail holes that need to be filled and painted. The curtains need to be ironed. Yes I iron the curtains. Once a year. They are linen and a pain in the rear to iron. I do it because its much easier for me to take them down then for my petite little wife. Plus, once again, the 3 year old. Don't need him running around while the ironing board and iron are out in the middle of the room.

In addition to the chores, I also use this time to catch up on my man movies. I'm a pretty nice guy and don't subject my wife to action movies when we go rent something together. I started the day with "Hollywood Homicide". Not actually a personal choice but I hadn't been to video store yet and it was on TV. I had just completed chore number 1 (remove half the dirt in the flower bed and replace it with compost, top soil and new mulch), and my arms and back were so tired when I was done I couldn't turn the channel. Later in the evening when I had some strength back, I rented "I, Robot", "1 hour Photo", "The Manchurian Candidate" and "The Village". So far I have only watched "I, Robot". I liked it ok. I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars.

Speaking of my being a bachelor, you can tell I'm bored and lonely. This is post number 3 in about 20 minutes. I guess all this babbling is what I typically direct towards my wife. Poor woman.


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