Posts of Love

I guess there's something about Valentines day that gets people to write in their blogs. I was bored earlier so I kept clicking on that "Next Blog" button you'll find up there in the top right corner of your browser. Almost every blog it took me to had a post for todays date. And not everyone was commenting on todays holiday. Maybe it's not Valentines day, maybe it's just that people post more on Monday. Either way I just enjoyed seeing lots of blog activity today.

Well speaking of Valentines day, I was glad to find that The Love Calculator gave my wife and me a ranking of 76%. Thats not perfect, but I put my name in with some others and got a much lower score. Not one other womans name that I have ever had any type of romantic link with (even just a crush) was as high. For example, Scott + Shania only got 33%. So I think thats pretty cool.


Scott said…
Well it's been a year and a half since I posted this entry, and duh, the "Next Blog" button typically only takes you to sites that have been updated in the last hour or so. So it had nothing to do with Valentines Day.

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